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1001 Dad Jokes

From groans to trombones we've created, collected, and curated the best dad jokes.

Hey, what's up?

Welcome. You're probably looking for a laugh. No guarantees, but the jokes are here. Sit back and relax. You'll find our jokes on Amazon, in your inbox, and on social media.

More Stuff

Kewl stuff goes in the second section.

Why is this even here?

Just a bunch of people up to no good.

Contact Us

Perhaps you've noticed the site is still under construction. We look forward to chatting. Well, we prefer you sign up for our mailing list or buy a book, but we'll lend an ear. Email Chris:

1001 Dad Jokes is a production of:
Captiva Green Publishing
3804 Wilson Blvd #1055
Arlington, VA 22203 USA